The Monkees Remonstrance

We repsresent Monkees fans all over the world when we say "We want the Monkees on either Nick-At-Nite or TV Land!" We are sick and tired of being ignored! There's plenty of us, and if you would put the Monkees on the air, we would be greatly appreceative AND we would watch them all the time! Plus, there is plenty more where we came from! Here is a list of all the beautiful, groovy people who want the Monkees back on the air!

Ok, well, that's the letter I'm going to be sending to the management at Nick-At-Nite/TV Land...I'm going to send it via snail mail, *and* E-mail...So, please sign it, because I can't send it until I get 1000 signatures!
Send me an E-mail at with this is the subject line "Monkees on TV!" then the body of the E-mail should have your name (real, or fake is fine), state, country, or both (I.E. California, USA...You could also use a fake place, but make it a real place and not, like, "in this chair" ok?), also should have the date you signed, and your E-mail address, if not the one you're sending the E-mail from (this is for me to get in contact with you if need be, I won't give it out to anyone!), also a short, to the point comment would be fine.
As you sign it, I'll add your name to the list of fans who want to help!!! Here goes!

1. Sunraei Moonbeem
Ohio, USA
July 24th, 2001
The Monkees mean a great deal to my 5-year-old sister and I, and we would appreciate it if you would put them back on the air, thank you!

2. Carl Hernandez
New York City, NY
July, 24th, 2001

3. correna white
July 24th, 2001
It would be nice to see them on tv again. Thank you

4. Chantal Ray
St. Louis, Mo
July 24, 2001
It would be cool in the year when the Monkees are definitely ruling.. I believe either Nick at Nite or TVLand should put the Monkees back on the air. I mean is that too much to ask? I think not.

5. Jessica
July 24th, 2001
I would love to have The Monkees back on TV Land or Nick-At- Nite!

6. Shari Bond
Florida, USA

7. Angela
New York,Usa
July 24,2001
I love The Monkees and I love the Tv show. i just want it back on b/c it's the best show to watch and it's so funny.

8. Elizabeth Abbott
Plano, Texas USA

9. Cheryl Harrell
Beautiful Groovy VA
July 25th, 2001
We want the MONKEES back on tv. They are my favorite group! I've been watching them ever since the 60's. Thanks! :)

10. Mike
Beautiful Groovy VA
July 25th, 2001

11. tawny
July 25th, 2001
i seriously want wait no need them to be back on tv! i hardley ever got to see the monkees when they were on nick at nite as it was! so they have to get back on tv =o) thanks~!

12. Kenneth M.Bush
Commerce, MI
July 25, 2001
The Monkees ROCK!!!!!! They mean a lot to me; I have many special memories of my childhood growing up with them on TV and their music.

13. Natalie Fischer
Whitestone, NY
July 27, 2001
Monkees Rock! They are constantly bringing newer generations into their fan base. It is worth your time to bring them back on the air.

14. Rachel Covarrubias
Chicago, USA
July 29, 2001
Please put The Monkees on tv. If you did, you would make many crazy Monkee fans VERY happy!!! :) thanks :)

You're name goes here

(wow, we've got 986 to go! Correct me on my math, if I'm wrong...Also, if you see your name on the list, and I did something wrong with it, lemme know! Thanks for your help Carl for being the first to sign it! And thanks to everyone else for signing it too!)

Yet another tracker...I only am allowed 3 counters, so I only use the one on the main page, and I track the rest of them this way! YAY! Toodles!